Partnering up to solve manufacturing problems

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Dec 27, 2022

Deputy chairman Lim Soon Hock speaks to the Business Times about the TruCare platform.


Shipping companies usually rely on routine or scheduled maintenance of turbochargers – but this carries the risk of under- or over-maintenance. As a provider of turbocharger MRO solutions, Tru-Marine is helping to solve this problem through its predictive maintenance app, TruCare.

The app analyses such data to detect anomalies, then informs marine vessels when their turbochargers need to be serviced or overhauled.

“This translates to cost savings and longer usage of the asset, and because of improved fuel efficiency, vessel owners can also reduce their carbon footprint,” said deputy chairman and senior adviser Lim Soon Hock.

Read more about our aspiration to support the circular economy through repair, refurbishment, and re-manufacturing of turbochargers as reported by The Business Times.